Grants, Prizes, and Honors
An internal fund to host a Brazil Visiting Fellow at the Birmingham Centre for Philosophy of Religion, £3,850, 2023.
CAL Research Seed-Fund, University of Birmingham, £2,000, 2022.
Grant to support a postdoctoral research fellow from Ukraine, the Ukraine Emergency Fund, University of Birmingham, £5,552, 2022.
Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Actions grant to host a Postdoctoral Research Fellow, the European Council, €220,908, 2022–2024.
‘New Ways of Doing Philosophy of Religion: Interdisciplinary and Global Perspectives’ (with David Cheetham), Research England’s Quality-Related Research Strategic Priorities Funding, University of Birmingham, £15,771, 2022.
‘The Global Philosophy of Religion Project’, the John Templeton Foundation and the University of Birmingham’s Dynamic Investment Fund (DIF)), $2.9 million ($2.42 million from JTF), 2020–2023.
Birmingham International Engagement Fund, ‘Philosophy and Meaning in Life Conference’, £3700, 2020.
Principal investigator, ‘The Pantheism and Panentheism Project’ (with Andrei Buckareff), the John Templeton Foundation, $213,916, 2017–2019.
Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Actions grant to host a Postdoctoral Research Fellow, the European Council, €195,445, 2016–2018.
William Paton Fund to establish a visiting fellow scheme in philosophy of religion at the University of Birmingham (with David Cheetham), the William Paton Trust, £100,000, 2012–2015.
Principal investigator, ‘Death, Immortality and the Afterlife’, the Analytic Theology Project, the University of Innsbruck (with David Cheetham), €12,000, 2012–2014.
Principal investigator, ‘Exploring Alternative Concepts of God’ (with Andrei Buckareff), the John Templeton Foundation, $54,950, 2011–2013.
Principal investigator, ‘Toward a Nonphysicalist Monist Solution to the Mystery of Consciousness’ (with Max Velmans), the John Templeton Foundation, £22,250, 2009–2011.
Principal investigator, ‘Perfect-Being Theology and the Cognitive Science of Religion’, the Institute of Cognitive and Evolutionary Anthropology, the University of Oxford, £12,110, 2008–2009.
PRIZES and honors
Isaac Manasseh Meyer Visiting Fellowship, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 2023.
Visiting Fellow, Waseda Institute of Life and Death Studies, Waseda University, Japan, 2019–current.
President, British Society for the Philosophy of Religion, 2017–2019.
Excellence in Philosophy of Religion Prize, University of St. Thomas, 2011.
The John Templeton Award for Theological Promise, 2008.
The Philosophical Quarterly Essay Prize, 2007.